Bational Park Way Kambas Lampung bational Park Way Kambas located in borthside Lampung this is identical with elephant, although actually that bational park also scarce fauna alive place likes rhinoceros, Sumatra tiger with another scarce animal. Bational park that appointed as bational park by forestry minister with sk no. 670/kpts-ii/1999 that be bational park that famous to foreign countries. Bational park Way Kambas has vast 125.621,3 hectare and administratively government located in kab. Lampung east and regency Lampung middle, province Lampung. air temperature 28° - 37° c. curah rain 2.500 - 3.000 mm/year. place height 0 - 60 m. dpl. geographical position 4°37’ - 5°15’ ls, 106°32’ - 106°52’b t. bational park way kambas be lowland forest ecosystem representation that consist of fresh water swamp forest, thicket seagegrass/underbrush field, and coast forest at Sumatra. :)
Elephant training centre
At Bational Park Way Kambas we can enjoy matter follow that is elephant attraction that skilled. elephant attraction that like what can we enjoy there? attraction that can we be be seen elephant attraction dance, until elephant attraction with music accompaniment, elephant football for example enough popular among local tourist, mengalung flower, berjabat hand, and swim. if want, we can ridden these elephants with pay amount of money of course.
elephants at those bational park doesn't stay in wild life actually because they were all stays in elephant training program. elephants that still wild tamed and trained at elephant training centre way kambas. this training centre foundeds to overcome wild elephant problem the life pressed because the habitats is used for agriculture arable land.
Asylum Rhino Sumatra:
Besides elephant training centre, Bational Park Way Kambas has asylum Rhino sumatra that be only place cultivation sumatra Rhinoceros wild fauna in indonesia. even srs be only sumatra rhinoceros breeding developers place location according to semi natural at asia or may be world. but nature tour visit at srs very limitted because to kepetingan watchfulness and sumatra rhinoceros development.
Besides, if intend us can surround bational park with ridden elephant, calm because elephant – elephant skilled. hm, can shadow sensation that can we can with climb biggest land mammals? if luck, we can also see various bational park occupant wild fauna way kambas. but, best time to be able to see fauna – that wild fauna at morning or evening. how with bighttime safari? well, between two lights sure sensation and scenery that can we enjoy differ. when bighttime, we can see mobile animal between two lights, like boar. but don't forget to bring lotion counters mosquito, kalo ngga be guaranteed our body forest mosquito bite consequence small bump full nan savage.
Ya. At Batial Park Way Kambas also available food kiosk that sell various food and drink with of course souvenir as our adventures sign is at way kambas.
Tips trip:
Bational park located in where does air temperature very tall suffocatingly sun that can burn skin. so that we felt pleasant during enjoy adventures at way kambas, best we are meyiap long hand coat, hat (kalo there jungle hat) to protect our face. try to wear shoe meutupi heel.
if we decide to stay, we can establish tent or stay at mess elephant guide.
How aim to bational Park Way Kambas?
Next route to aim there:
1.Bandarlampung - metro - labuhan queen (100 km), use car + 2 clocks.branti - metro - labuhan 2.Queen (88 km), use car + 1.30 clock.
3.Bakauheni - long - sribawono - labuhan queen (1882 km), use car + 3 clocks.
4.Bakauheni - labuan meringgai - way kambas, use car + 2 clocks.
5.Labuhan queen - elephant training centre, use car + 15 minutes.
Time crowded :
at the (time) of school holiday or in july sd september
Bational park office address way kambas:
Office BTN Way Kambas, Jl. Labuhan Ratu Lama, Labuhan queen lampung east Lampung indonesia 34196 ;)
Elephant training centre

elephants at those bational park doesn't stay in wild life actually because they were all stays in elephant training program. elephants that still wild tamed and trained at elephant training centre way kambas. this training centre foundeds to overcome wild elephant problem the life pressed because the habitats is used for agriculture arable land.
Asylum Rhino Sumatra:
Besides elephant training centre, Bational Park Way Kambas has asylum Rhino sumatra that be only place cultivation sumatra Rhinoceros wild fauna in indonesia. even srs be only sumatra rhinoceros breeding developers place location according to semi natural at asia or may be world. but nature tour visit at srs very limitted because to kepetingan watchfulness and sumatra rhinoceros development.
Besides, if intend us can surround bational park with ridden elephant, calm because elephant – elephant skilled. hm, can shadow sensation that can we can with climb biggest land mammals? if luck, we can also see various bational park occupant wild fauna way kambas. but, best time to be able to see fauna – that wild fauna at morning or evening. how with bighttime safari? well, between two lights sure sensation and scenery that can we enjoy differ. when bighttime, we can see mobile animal between two lights, like boar. but don't forget to bring lotion counters mosquito, kalo ngga be guaranteed our body forest mosquito bite consequence small bump full nan savage.
Ya. At Batial Park Way Kambas also available food kiosk that sell various food and drink with of course souvenir as our adventures sign is at way kambas.
Tips trip:
Bational park located in where does air temperature very tall suffocatingly sun that can burn skin. so that we felt pleasant during enjoy adventures at way kambas, best we are meyiap long hand coat, hat (kalo there jungle hat) to protect our face. try to wear shoe meutupi heel.
if we decide to stay, we can establish tent or stay at mess elephant guide.
How aim to bational Park Way Kambas?
Next route to aim there:
1.Bandarlampung - metro - labuhan queen (100 km), use car + 2 clocks.branti - metro - labuhan 2.Queen (88 km), use car + 1.30 clock.
3.Bakauheni - long - sribawono - labuhan queen (1882 km), use car + 3 clocks.
4.Bakauheni - labuan meringgai - way kambas, use car + 2 clocks.
5.Labuhan queen - elephant training centre, use car + 15 minutes.
Time crowded :
at the (time) of school holiday or in july sd september
Bational park office address way kambas:
Office BTN Way Kambas, Jl. Labuhan Ratu Lama, Labuhan queen lampung east Lampung indonesia 34196 ;)
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